Washington Kurdish Institute April 15, 2019 The Washing Kurdish Institute (WKI) interviewed Dr. Amy Austin Holmes, a Fellow of the Middle East Program at …
Iran Since the middle of March, at least 70 people were killed in Iran due to flooding caused by record rainfalls that lasted for …
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran Last week Iranian intelligence officers (Ettelaat) …
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran To prevent Kurds from celebrating the …
Washington Kurdish Institute By: Yousif Ismael & Bill Rice March 26, 2019 After four and half years of battling the Islamic State of Iraq …
Washington Kurdish Institute March 16, 2019 Thirty-one years ago the brutal regime of Iraq committed genocide against innocent Kurdish civilians in the town of …
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran In Ramsar town of Kamyaran …
Washington Kurdish Institute March 18, 2019 Upon President Trump’s decision to pull out the U.S. troops of Syria last December, the Syrian Kurds were …
Washington Kurdish Institute March 14, 2019 Leyla Guven, co-chair of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) and a democratically-elected Kurdish member of the parliament of …
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran A number of arrests and charges …