A weekly brief of events and news occurred in the disputed territories. Kirkuk On Wednesday, May 26, for the fifth time in 2021, hundreds …
Iran The Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI) announced two of its Peshmerga were killed in clashes with Iranian security forces between Bokan and …
A weekly brief of events and news occurred in the disputed territories. Kirkuk On Thursday, May 13th tensions arose between elements of the Iraqi …
Joint initiative on Iran’s future by the Washington Kurdish Institute (WKI) and Program on Human Rights and Peace-building at Columbia University May 18, 2021 …
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran The Iranian regime, despite granting bail …
Kirkuk On Friday, May 7, Iranian-backed militias held an anti-US rally in Kirkuk city for the second time in four months. The rally was …
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Saeed …
Washington Kurdish Institute May 11, 2021 In the past two weeks, Turkish forces have occupied new areas in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). …
Kirkuk Minute covers the issues and events taking place in the disputed territories. Kirkuk Three peshmerga were martyred and two others were injured in …
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran Iranian security forces arrested at least …