Iran The Cooperation Center for Iranian Kurdistan’s Political Parties (CCIKP), an umbrella organization consisting of Iran’s Kurdish opposition parties, congratulated Iranian Kurds for boycotting …
Kirkuk After pressure by Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), the department of Petroleum revoked its previous decision to change all distribution station managers for …
A weekly brief of events occurred in the Kurdistan regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres submitted an …
On 8 June, as part of the Washington Kurdish Institute’s Najmaldin Karim Webinar Series, a panel of distinguished speakers – Ms. Zainab Morad Sohrab and Ms. Nilüfer Koç of the Kurdistan National …
Najmaldin Karim Webinar Series Webinar Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 Time: 10:00 AM EDT / 4:00 PM Brussels / 5:00 PM Erbil Turkey is …
Kirkuk Anti-government protests continued in Kirkuk Governorate due to ongoing shortages of water, electricity, gas, and waste collection. Dozens of taxi drivers launched a …
A weekly brief of events occurred in the Kurdistan regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran The Cooperation Center for Iranian Kurdistan’s Political …
Washington Kurdish Institute June 3, 2021 The crimes perpetrated by Turkey against the Kurdish people, in all of their absurdity, brutality and severity, amount …
Kirkuk Due to the threat of ISIS (Da’esh) attacks in Kirkuk, all security forces in the province were on the highest emergency alert (C …
A weekly brief of events occurred in the Kurdistan regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran The Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI) …