A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran After his detention in December of…
Washington Kurdish Institute
Washington Kurdish Institute
The Washington Kurdish Institute (WKI) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, research and educational organization that was established in September 1996 WKI is committed to increasing public awareness of Kurd-related issues, protecting human, cultural, and political rights throughout Kurdistan, and supporting and developing Kurdistan’s civil society.
Washington Kurdish Institute February 26, 2019 The enduring governance of Turkey by the Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been characterized by…
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran Strikes and protests continue in the…
Washington Kurdish Institute February 18, 2019 Despite the risks to America’s national security and interests including the reemergence of the terror groups, the strengthening and expansion of the Assad dictatorship, the…
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran The Islamic Revolutionary court of Piranshar…
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran Last week’s casualties of the porters…
Washington Kurdish Institute February 5, 2019 The Unplanned, Sudden U.S. Withdraw From Syria Is Wrong Simply Because: 1) The U.S. withdrawal from Syria…
Washington Kurdish Institute By: David Philips Febreuary 2, 2019 Syrian Democracy Forces (SDF) were shocked when President Trump announced the withdrawal of U.S. forces from northern Syria. But the decision itself was…
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran “The Iranian authorities carried out a…
A weekly brief of events that occurred in the Kurdish regions of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Iran Tens of people been arrested by…