Joe R. Reeder’s distinguished career as an attorney, whose clients include countries, international corporations and law firms, was highlighted with 4 years as the 14th Under Secretary of the Army, where he served essentially as the Army’s COO, with specific responsibilities for long range planning, material requirements, readiness, acquisition reform, infrastructure reduction and financial management of the Army. Joe also led the Army’s international affairs initiatives, with emphasis on NATO, Panama & Latin America. He served 3 years as Chairman of the Panama Canal Commission’s Board of Directors where he oversaw a massive, multibillion dollar infrastructure program. Joe also oversaw military support to local, state and federal agencies related to civilian law enforcement, civil disturbance, disaster relief, and emergency planning as Army Undersecretary. Joe also served on the 5-member DOD Base Realignment Closure (BRAC) Council.
Hon. Joe R. Reeder