Hemin Osman is an entrepreneur, asset manager, and takes a keen interest in political activism. Based in Erbil, Mr. Osman is currently the Iraq country manager for a UK based asset management firm. In addition, he is an active shareholder for an oil and gas services company, which specializes in promoting local workforce initiatives for capital intensive investment projects in the Kurdish region.Mr. Osman has been an active participant in Kurdish politics since 2014. He has worked for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) as an Investment Promotion Advisor for foreign direct investment into the KRG and has liaised with multiple international trade delegations in his advisory capacity. Mr. Osman continues to be involved in international efforts for Kurdish interests across the globe, and regularly partakes in political events and roundtable discussions surrounding Kurdish political developments.
Mr. Osman holds a BSC in Economics from the University of Reading (UK) and is currently pursuing an MBA at the University of London.
Hemin Osman