The return of the Kurdish forces to the disputed territories
“It has been two months since the new government has been installed in Baghdad.This government is facing a lot of challenges. Prime minister [Mustafa] al Kadhimi has taken some steps trying to control the unruly militias in Baghdad. And it hasn’t been easy for him. It’s a big challenge and we’ll see where it goes. Just two days ago, a ,very prominent, wider, advisor and a person who had a great experience on security issues, the militias, the terrorist groups, that has been functioning in Iraq, uh, Hisham al Hashimi, he was killed in broad daylight. Three people on two motorcycles just got off the motorcycle, went to the car, shot him, and went back on the motorcycle with the other guy and the second motorcycle followed them. That’s what’s going on.
He was a great person. He Spoke about what’s going on there without fear. But this is something that has been going on in Iraq for a long time although recently it has been vast, but Mr. Hashimi was outspoken and he was very critical of what was going on. He was supportive of the demonstrators in Iraq which started last October. Then of course we have the budget issue between Baghdad and [Kurdistan Regional Government] KRG now negotiations are going on between Baghdad, as far as having the Kurds participate in the operation commands in different places, in the disputed territories. We don’t know where that’s going on. The military spokesman of the prime minister came out after those who say that represents the Arabs and Turkmens in the Iraqi parliament who indicated their objection to the presence of Peshmerga in those places. Very vehemently, particularly the Turkman front some representatives who have dubious previous dubious connections actually with ISIS, and before with Al Qaeda and Naqshbandis.”
The Turkish invitation into the Kurdistan region
“The most serious issue that’s also going on now is the Turkish invasion of Iraqi Kurdistan just like they are doing in Syria with their terrorists and jihadists. They have taken some ports and hills yesterday or two days ago. Erdogan just presented a map where they have taken over some Hills and all that, but they have suffered casualties. Also many civilians have been killed and unfortunately the US not only has been quiet about this, but they have been in a way encouraging. The State Department spokesman issued a call for Iraqi government, the KRG and Turkey to coordinate against the PKK. We know this is Iraqi territory and it’s ironic the US is very supportive of sovereignty of the state of Iraq when it comes to Iran. But Turkey has been given green light to enter and do whatever they want. And most of the damage they have done are to the civilians and properties.People have been demonstrating against it.”
Iran and Turkey during the independence referendum
“With regard to territories, October 16, 2017, unfortunately, in my opinion the main reason for that tragedy to happen was first: US coming out clearly against it, and a U S representative holding a press conference, which embedded the Iranians and the Iraqi government that the US is not going to intervene. Some of these militias have Abrams tanks and other US weapons and all that. So they were emboldened by it. The second thing of course, was the division among the Kurds. A group made a deal through the Iranians, with Baghdad and Qasim Sulimani himself was intensely involved. And actually a representative came even to meet me in Kirkuk. We met for about two and a half hours. And the talk about holding the referendum in the dispute of territories, Peter, you remember when I called you after talking with a person in the KRG who had good relationship with Turkey and with Iran and asking if we could hold off on having the referendum in the dispute of territories, if they accept, both Iran and Turkey, accept holding it in the territories of the Kurdistan region, that was something acceptable.
But two days later, I got a call back “no ” they are against the referendum period, whether it’s in the disputed territories or not. And by the way, involving the disputed territories in the referendum was a PUK demand that we will not hold a referendum in the Kurdistan region if it’s not involved in the disputed territory. And here are two things, when I was governor of Kirkuk, like you mentioned, I thought the best solution in term or long term would be to make it a special status, special region with good relationship with KRG. Will become closer, and it will not be under Baghdad’s control that it has been since the creation of the state of Iraq. And even after Saddam Hussein. The political parties in Kurdistan met very quickly. They all came out against my proposal and some of them even accused me of giving up the territories. the point is that I agree with you. Disputed territories are dear to the people of Kurdistan. We considered areas of Kurdistan. And the point I was trying to make is that Diyarbakir is Kurdistan, Mehabad is Kurdistan, Qamishli is Kurdistan and they are not in the KRG. But we needed a solution. And the solution would have been that otherwise we have to live with what is going on now and what has been going on for many years. ”
Would the US troops stay in Kurdistan if they leave Iraq?
I think the question is if there are no US troops in Iraq but only in Kurdistan, at least from my discussion with people here in Washington and also in Kurdistan, I think that’s unlikely from a discussion. I think if there is withdrawal of forces from Iraq, from Baghdad or whatever Iraqi controlled areas, I think it will involve Kurdistan, especially under this administration. I think if Trump gets out, he will get out completely. So I don’t see the prospect of US forces staying in Kurdistan
Kurdish Unity and backing of the new prime minister
“I’d like to conclude by commending General Mazloum. I know our discussion is about the Iraqi Kurdistan, but I think this has a relationship to the topic we’re discussing also with regard to Kurdish unity. General Mazloum initiative has had strong support from leaders in Iraqi Kurdistan. President Masoud Barzani, President Nechirvan have been involved. The unity between the Kurdish groups in Syria and we know what Turkey is doing, trying to prevent this from happening. I’m hoping that this will succeed and it could spill over to Iraqi Kurdistan. What we’re facing now, I agree that Kadhimi is different from the previous governments that have come, and he should be given the opportunity and backing to succeed.
But also we cannot go with a weak position to Baghdad and expect to gain our rights from Baghdad. What is going on? I could understand now between the political party is really a recipe for disaster. There is no unity of purpose. There are actually Kurds in the Iraqi parliament who are clearly looking for an excuse for Baghdad, not to send salaries, to split Sulaymaniyah from the KRG and all that. In the old days, people used to call these by their true name when you do something like that. So the political parties in Iraqi Kurdistan, KDP, PUK, the other political parties need to unify and also to withstand the budget issue and be strong and convince the people that this will pass once the coronavirus eases. Once we are United and we will speak with one voice in Baghdad, I think we will be in a stronger position, whether it’s compromising, whether it’s sticking to our legitimate demands.
The other thing I like to say is I think the response of the government of Iraq with regard to the Turkish invasion has been really very weak. I know they have called their ambassador to the foreign ministry in Baghdad. And then they are threatening, If you don’t stop this, we may have worked with the UN, or we may go to the Arab league. Well, you need to do something. You can’t just allow this to happen. The US also has too. Iraqi sovereignty, if you really believe in it, then the same way you condemn Iran’s intervention in Iraq, Turkish intervention should be condemned in the same way.”