Qazi Muhammad was born in Mahabad, Kurdish region of Iran (then called Persia) in 1893. A well-known and educated leader, Qazi Muhammad led a Kurdish independence movement and founded the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran (KDP-I) out of the desire to have more transparency in politics. He was also the president of the Republic of Mahabad, the first and only Kurdish state yet to have been established. The first day of his presidency, he announced the opening of a school for girls, and that there would be universal elementary education and that it would be in Kurdish, all of these things were firsts for the region. The Mahabad Republic was short-lived, however, lasting from January 22 to December 15 in the year 1946. It ended when Iranian forces entered Mahabad, closed Kurdish printing presses, banned the teaching of Kurdish, and burned Kurdish books. Qazi Muhammad was hanged by the Iranian government on March 31, 1947, in Mahabad.
Qazi Mohammed