Turkey (Bakur or North of Kurdistan)
- In a press conference People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş called attention to the ban on doing democratic politics for those standing against the monist mindset for 90 years, which -he said- continued today with the obstructions imposed by the ruling party of Justice and development (AKP) government against the Peoples HDP.
- Turkish authorities detained Kamuran Yüksek, the Co-chair of Democratic Regions Party (BDP) after his speech in a conference on May 11. People’s Democratic Paty (HDP) described the arrest of DBP Co-President Kamuran Yüksek as ‘a result of intimidation policies’ and emphasized that they would pay the price for democratization but not surrender.
- Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) claimed responsibility for downing a military helicopter near Iraqi Kurdistan borders. PKK released a video of the operation.
- Turkish warplanes bombarded several positions on the border of Iraqi Kurdistan and Shirnak province. Intense clashes ongoing between PKK and Turkish military since the peace process staled in July 2015.
- Curfew and clashes continue in Mardin’s Nusaybin district. Violent clashes continue between security forces and YPS/YPS-JIN members in the district. The latest news from clashes is from the Fırat neighborhood. Reports say at least 4
Syria (Rojava or West of Kurdistan)
- Democratic Union Party accused the Turkish government forces of shelling Kurdish towns in Syria under allegations of attacking ISIS. Recent footage taken from the Syrian city of Qamishli just across the border showed Turkish tanks firing rounds as they moved into position. PYD stressed on respecting Turkey territorial integrity and abiding by international laws.
- Brigade 13 a faction of Jaysh Al Suna group launched Katyusha rockets hitting the Kudish city centre of Afrin. Several reports indicated that groups of the Syrian Free Army supported by Islamist groups launched a campaign hitting Kurdish civilians in northern Aleppo.
- Democratic Syria Forces (QSD) is going to launch an operation to liberate Raqqa. ISIS has been controlling the city of Raqqa and considers it capital of its so-called chaliphate. QSD has not made any announcements regarding the date of the operation, but some sources say the operation will start soon.
- People’s Defense Units (YPG) Media Center reported ongoing attacks on Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood of Aleppo and casualties inflicted on Islamic groups in southern Jarablus. The statement said groups breaching the ceasefire in the region attacked the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood with hell cannons from the area of Seken Shebab on May 11. Since August 2015, 111 victims, 2400 houses and shops were destroyed in Şêx Meqsûd northern Aleppo. 111 civilians died including 34 children, 42 women, and almost 727 of civilians were critically injured including 290 children and 205 women, according to the Kurdish Red Crescent.
Iraq (Bashur or South of Kurdistan)
- The Change Movement (Gorran) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) finalized a bilateral agreement between their parties in a signing ceremony on Tuesday (May 17) at former Iraqi President and PUK Secretary-General Jalal Talabani’s residence in Dabashan, Sulaimani.
- The Kurdish lists in the Iraqi Council of Representative declared in a press conference that they are not with suspending the Iraqi parliament. On May 16, 2016, the heads of the Kurdish lists in the Iraqi parliament held a meeting in Sulaimani to on the Iraqi current situations.
- The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) today publishes the monthly crude oil export report for April 2016. The report details: All oil export volumes through the KRG-Ceyhan crude oil pipeline; all crude oil cargoes lifted from Ceyhan by the buyers; and the revenues received on account by the KRG during the month.
- NRT: As the Sykes-Picot deal that largely influenced the Middle East’s modern borders turns 100 years old, Iraqi Kurds are pushing towards a referendum that could see them carve out a state of their own. Watch video
Iran (Rojhelat or East of Kurdistan)
- Rudaw: Iran invites Barzani amid apparent mediation role over Erbil-Baghdad strains. Iran has extended an official invitation to Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani, whose last visit was in 2011, following talks in Baghdad and Erbil by Iran’s intelligence minister.
- Unknown Iranian group attacked the spokesperson of Iranian human right organization. Ejlal Qawami accused a group loyal to an Iranian parliamentarian by the name of Salar Muradi.