PUKmedia Oct 5, 2015
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The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) exported 18,614,798 barrels of crude oil (an average of 600,463 barrels per day (bpd) in the month of September through the Kurdistan pipeline network to the port of Ceyhan in Turkey.
Of this amount, fields operated by the KRG contributed 13,898,548 barrels (448,340 bpd on average), while fields operated by the North Oil Company (NOC) contributed 4,715,794 barrels (an average of 152,122 bpd).
Due to circumstances beyond the KRG’s control, during September there were 2 days of downtime for the export pipeline, caused mainly by attempts at sabotage and theft.
In September, the KRG continued to increase its direct oil sales in Ceyhan to compensate the Region for the budget shortfalls from the federal government in Baghdad.
The KRG will continue to work with its counterparts in the federal government to reach a resolution on all the outstanding issues of oil and gas and in this regard it sees an opportunity for solid progress in the forthcoming discussions over the 2016 federal budget.